
Head Piece for a Head Case

It was so great shopping with Carl's step-mom and his aunt today. I found a beautiful dress that was so totally different from what I thought I wanted (or even liked) but it was seemingly made for me. It fit perfectly, was a size smaller than what I usually wear and was just so beautiful on I couldn't resist getting it. I will have pictures up soon because Terri (Carl's step-mom) wants me to go to Austin for a pre-bridal portrait.

We went to lunch and I had a watermellon martini and then was VERY tired. Carl brought me home, I hung my dress up and slept. hehe We're supposed to have dinner, but I don't know where or when yet.

OH! And Terri also bought me a really beautiful head piece that matches the dress so great. I"m happy to have the dress out of the way. Now all I have to do is find the girls' dresses.

kellbelle at 5:09 p.m.

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