

I am suddenly feeling like crap warmed over. My stomach is all kinds of flip flopping and I feel really light headed. The morning went fairly quickly. My bonus appeared in my checking account this morning, so I have paid for the wedding cake, the invitations and put some money down on the flowers. Tomorrow I hope to find my wedding dress. Once I have that done, I can determine what else to pay off. I think I will pay off the musicians first since they are the least amount. Flowers will be the biggest thing next to the reception, but Carl is taking care of the reception and the honeymoon and I have everything else. That seems like a fair deal to me.

I really really want to go home right now, but I need to finish up a few things first. The audit is coming up really quick and I would rather be prepared now then be scrambling to get everything ready on Monday. Despite all that, I�m feeling really queasy, so I�m going to finish up this entry, do one more thing and go home. See�it really helps to talk things out here! heh

kellbelle at 1:11 p.m.

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