
All Puckered and No Place to Go

I think that today is going to roll by fairly quickly. I slept very well for a change. I woke up around midnight and had to pee and thought that I wouldn�t be able to fall back asleep, but the next time I woke up it was 5:00 am! So I closed my eyes and slept yet AGAIN until it was time to get up for work.

I have finished all the invitations but 3 and Carl has to get me those addresses. People have been telling me that they have started getting them, so that�s pretty exciting! I�m really starting to feel the pressure, though. I have a very bad habit of picking at my cuticles when I get stressed and my fingers look like shit now because I�m stressing. I only found out the other day that it�s actually an obsessive/compulsive type thing called psychogenic*excoriation. I�m not nearly as bad as some of the stories I�ve read, but I do tend to do it when I�m highly stressed. Oddly enough, Carl has a different version called tricho*tillomania which is obsessive hair pulling (he plucks his beard all the time). So now we�re swatting each others hands all the time. LOL

My little friend Ola called me back this morning. I can�t send her anything and Ola was not happy about that. What happened is that a management company was over several buildings and all of those buildings went on ONE policy. So when I pulled a loss run and found a loss, legally I can�t send her the information because it did not occur at her building and therefore she cannot have the information. I have no way of showing it wasn�t at her building because all the buildings were under one policy. If there had been no losses, it wouldn�t have been a big deal. Poor Ola.

I have the best boyfriend ever. He brought me home the S*pongeB*ob movie the other night!! Hehe Aubrey and I watched it last night while Carl helped his mom move some furniture. The special features were really cute.

I am feeling high as a kite right now. I�m not sure if I need to call my doctor and cut back on my medicine or if I need to cut down on coffee or whatever. My head is buzzing like crazy and I feel really manic for some reason (with my face all puckered and my mouth in the shape of a tight little �O�) hehe Inside joke, sorry.

Well, I�d better put this energy to good use and go get lunch! LOL

kellbelle at 11:05 a.m.

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