
O-L-A ... Ola

I have had a CRAZE-EEE day today. I work in insurance for those of you that don't know. It's commercial property insurance. My job is basically that of pee-on... assistant... monkey girl. One of my duties is to do loss runs. I look at policies over the years and print out any losses that occurred. I can only do this for either the actual named insured (the name of the person or company listed on the policy) or for the broker (the company who secured our contract with the named insured). Typically we ensure a lot of office buildings.

Today I had a call from a woman named Ola. Ola did not speak English very well. Ola used to be a tenant in one of the office buildings insured by some other company. Ola wanted loss runs. Ola wanted loss runs bad. She happened to call when I had reception duty. I told her that I was the person who handled loss runs. She said "NO, I want person I called to speak to." Ummm okay then. I transfer her and when I get back to my desk, guess what I find... her loss run request. LOL

I call Ola and explain to her that she is not the insured so I cannot give them to her. Ola is not happy. Ola calls 12 other people who all direct Ola back to me. So I had one of my underwriters type up an email to me telling me to tell her what I've already told her... and hopefully when she sees that there is someone above me telling me that I cannot release the loss runs to her, she will leave me alone. The funny part is... even if she wanted the loss runs, we were not covering the building for the time period she wanted the loss runs for. Which I was kind enough to tell her. Besides that, even if she may have had losses occur, we would only cover the building because commercial property insurance does not cover tenants and belongings.... in this particular case, it covers the building only. I really hope Ola gets the message.

kellbelle at 3:56 p.m.

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