
I'm so boring these days

February went by way too fast. Where the heck did it go? Yesterday went quickly, too. Aubrey had a dentist appointment (no cavaties) and then she spent the day alone while I went to work. I had a massage appointment after work, so I didn't get home until nearly 7:30. I was completely wiped out. The kids had dinner ready for me, but my darling man is a little lax on kitchen duties so I had to clean up the mess. hehe I didn't mind.

My dress fitting went well on Friday. The only thing needing to be done is the bustle and the hem. I decided to go with a French bustle... it's beautiful... the bottom of the train is pulled up underneath the back of the dress. It's hard to explain, but it looks so pretty.

Carl has started looking for somewhere for us to live. The funny thing is that he keeps sending me pictures of homes for sale. LOL I guess he wants to go ahead and take the plunge and buy a house. That's fine with me, but unfortunately because of my finances and my impending bankruptcy, he has to apply for the mortgage all by himself and I don't think he's going to qualify for the kinds of homes he's been sending me. Of course I qualified for something that was okay with terrible credit, so who knows.

This weekend I'm hoping to get some more organizing done at home. I've really been going crazy getting rid of things and organizing what remains. I need to take a whole pile of clothes to the drop box and I want to finish organizing my scrapbook stuff. I've been having fun finding all the stuff that I had hidden away and I'm already planning out things in my head to start working on for the wedding.

Speaking of the wedding, I can't believe how fast it's coming. In a few weeks we'll be down to the 3 month mark. It seems like just yesterday that Carl proposed. Time flies when you're having fun. Today Carl sent me an email that said "I love you so much it hurts." :) I know how he feels.

Oh yeah! I get me DSL on Saturday. That will be REALLY nice! LOL Can't wait for that.

Well, I need to get up and stretch my legs and get a drink. Have a great day!

kellbelle at 11:46 a.m.

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