

In exactly four months I will be Mrs. Carl. I can�t even think about where the past year has gone. A year ago I was on my second ski trip with Carl in New Mexico. We had only been dating a few months, but even then I knew he was someone that I didn�t ever want to let go of.

Tonight I get fitted for my wedding dress. I�ve been begged by my adoptive �mom� in England to bring my camera. She says �to see your daughter in her gown before the wedding is every mother�s right!� hehe Jacqui has been like a mother to me for the last 5 years. She is an incredible woman of amazing strength, faith and hope. The woman has survived TWO battles with breast cancer. She recently had a mastectomy and is now trying to get her life back to �normal�. She is a stay at home mom to four kids and is so active in all of their lives. I�m so thankful to know her and hope that some day I can meet her. ANYway, I hope to remember the camera so that she can see me in my dress.

I got a call from the cable company last night and they have a great deal for DSL. They are offering 6 months at $19.95, so I�m going to take it. In less than 6 months I won�t be living there anymore, so I think it will be a pretty good deal to sign up now. Hehe I can�t wait to dump that dial up! But it means that, once again, my email address will be changing. I�m thinking of just using my g-mail accounts for everything now and not even bothering giving out the home email. We�ll see.

I have been listening to the Ch*ldren�s M*racle Networ*k on the radio for the last few days. There are a couple hospitals for children in the area that specialize in certain types of cancer and other problems. The stories cover the spectrum from the joy of kids who have been saved to the devastation of parents who have lost children but continue to visit the hospital and support other families there. I don�t know why I listen to this stuff at work� It makes me cry to hear the struggles and yes, the joys, of these parents. It breaks my heart and it moves me. I wish I were brave enough to help out at hospitals. But I know I would just blubber my way around and end up helping no one. Soppy woman that I am.

Have any of you heard about Free*cycle? It�s a website that promotes �gifting� to people. You offer up things you don�t need anymore and someone responds to your offer and comes and gets the items you no longer want that they do. I have been watching the site for a long time now�over a year, but I had my first personal experience with it last night. I had a futon that was just taking up space and I saw a woman asking for one. I sent her a note and she and her husband came over last night to pick it up. She was so grateful and appreciative and it really made me feel good. So now, I�m making a list of the stuff that I can post to get rid of. I think it will be so much better (and easier) than trying to have a garage sale to get rid of things before Carl and I get married. Plus it�s good Karma, right? I need all of the Karma that I can get!

I just read an article about a new candy based on road kill. It�s made by Kra*ft and is a gummi type candy shaped as animals that have been run over by cars (complete with tire treads). This has animal rights activists in a tizzy. I think it�s kind of funny and I can see what it would be a draw to kids. Kids like creepy things�especially creepy things they can eat. Remember the old Garbage Pa*il Kids cards? I thought they were hysterical. Or what about those candy making machines where you made gummi critters and then ate them? Come on� let our kids have some fun grossing out the adults. That�s what kids were born to do.

kellbelle at 10:05 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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