
Walking Like A Penguin, Sex & Blather

On Friday I walked the stairs here at the office. I went up 4 floors and down 10 and then took the elevator back up to the 6th floor (where I work). Saturday morning I woke up and I couldn�t walk! LOL I have walked the stairs in the past, but never have my calves locked up like they did this time. I guess it�s because I didn�t use the other muscles going back up the stairs. Needless to say, I�m still walking around like a penguin, but at least today I can walk. LOL

The weekend was good. We did some shopping on Saturday morning. Aubrey got some new shoes, I got a cute new purse. We headed over to the bookstore and I picked up a couple books for Aubrey. One was a book about her period and the other was supposed to be a book recommended by the GS to talk about sex. I flipped through the book about the period and scoped out the cover of the other book and hit the checkout line. We got in the car and I opened up the book about sex. Oh. My. Gawd. LOL They didn�t waste any time talking about sex, I�ll just say that much. While they were not real pictures, they were pretty good cartoons! LOL They showed men and women of all shapes and sizes with their genitals hanging out all over the place! LOL They even talked about �curiosity� and recommended getting a mirror and laying on the bed spread eagle to check yourself out! LMAO!!!! I hid the book in my cedar chest. She won�t see that one until she�s about 16.

My parents never talked to me about sex. After the movie at school, my mom said �if you have any questions, just let me know� and then never talked about it again. LOL Typical Catholic family�. Learn for yourself honey, but I�ll disown you if you get pregnant.

Speaking of Catholics� I ordered the Easter Lilly in remembrance of my dad since he died on Easter Sunday. I also tried to start putting together his photos in my heritage album, but I still can�t bring myself to do it. I cry every time. I�ll get it done eventually. I have everything to do it and even know in my head what kind of layout I want. It�s just a matter of actually doing it. I think I was fine until I came across the prayer card and the obituary. Oh well� life does go on.

We�re almost down to under 100 days until the wedding. I�m actually starting to calm down about it all. Everything has been so smooth� I really shouldn�t worry so much.

Yesterday we met up with Carl�s mom and his aunt for lunch. His mom wants to throw us a couples shower in May. Not that I don�t have any friends, but Carl and I really don�t have that many couple friends. I told him �Sheeesh I guess we need to make some friends!� It�s kind of embarrassing! LOL So who knows what this party will be like, but it will be fun none the less.

Not sure what we�re doing for Easter this year. His mom will be moving, so I guess the lake is out. Maybe we�ll go see Nana or go to Austin or something. We still have a while to decide.

I�m just filled with random thoughts today. I�d rather be home, but I do have some stuff I can do here and since they pay me I guess I�d better get after it. hehe

kellbelle at 10:27 a.m.

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