
Coming Into the Light

As most of you know, I lost my house about this time last year... I lost a lot of things about this time last year... I nearly lost my mind. It was a really weird time in my life full of uncertainty and lots of really hard lessons. This morning on my drive to work, I was driving into the sunrise (as I do every day) and it was so beautiful. And I thought to myself �wow� I do this every day and I�ve never seen it so beautiful.� It hit me today how far I�ve really come in a year. I have gone from hopelessness to happiness� from bitter to sweet� from crush to love and it all feels as if it�s come in one giant breath. I had to stop myself several times from crying (didn�t want to crash my car into the person in front of me), but even thinking of it now brings tears to my eyes. Despite all the pain and loss, everything has been worth it. Those of you in the dark patch right now� it really does get better. And sometimes you don�t even realize how much better it is until it hits you dead on as you�re driving into the sunrise one morning.

kellbelle at 9:44 a.m.

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