
In the news...

Yesterday was kind of busy and I couldn�t really write about what was on my mind. I�m over it and have come to the realization that things eventually take care of themselves. It�s not my business as long as it�s not made my business and who the hell am I to judge anyway?

Big scout meeting tonight. I spent last night cleaning up the house and figuring out what project to work on. I realized that this weekend is mother�s day (eeeek) and I guess we will be making something for the moms. I came across a cute project on the Mich@e�s website, so we�ll be making this for the moms.

I slept really good last night and did NOT want to get up this morning. Carl was up extra early, which afforded me the opportunity to hog the bed and get very comfortable and snuggle under all the blankets with all the pillows. My alarm went off and I didn�t care. I didn�t move one inch. I was lost in my dreams and even though I knew my alarm was going off, I couldn�t pull myself out of it. Fifteen minutes later, I got up just as Carl walked into the room telling me to get up. Hehe

I made it to work on time. And there�s hardly anyone here. Co-worker #1 is out on a vacation day today. There are two underwriters here and all my engineers are out of the office. It�s very quiet and I even have things to do. That makes me happy. I knew in advance that people were going to be gone, so I squirreled away some work on Friday to do this week while they were gone. Now of course I don�t feel like doing it, but I will . This week is going by quickly. I can�t remember if I mentioned it, but this weekend we�re going to Austin for my portrait. Next weekend we�re off to the lake to see Carl�s mom. Her birthday is next week. I think I have the next weekend off. Memorial Weekend we will be babysitting for Carl�s nephew. His sister and her husband are going to Mexico with Carl�s dad and step-mom. His sister apparently did an internship in the town where they are going and they said it was a really beautiful place. I can�t for the life of me remember what the town is called, so there ya go. I guess it made an impression on me.

Some news stories I�ve read this morning� they are saying that the runaw@y bride�s story isn�t adding up about how much money she took with her and how much a trip like that would have actually cost. Makes you wonder what they think she was up to. In reading the police blotter for the town I live in, someone broke into a home and took $300 worth of guns and a tan Chihuahua. I guess he wanted a muscle dog to go with the guns. And on the opposite end of the runaw@y bride, we have a runaway groom in California. Apparently a groom disappeared on his wedding day a month ago. His bride to be says she found bloody knives and there has been no activity on his credit cards or bank account. Police say they didn�t see anything that would lead them to believe a crime took place. They said it looked like a staged suicide attempt. Weird. Also read about a Catholic church in California that called the cops because some �rough looking� bald men attended a couple services. I guess the church members thought they were skin he@ds. Turns out they were Marines. Sheesh don�t people TALK to each other in church anymore? I think it would have been pretty easy to find SOME way to approach them and find out who they were without having to call police.

Anyway, enough stupid people in the news. I should probably get back to work. Have a great day.

kellbelle at 9:57 a.m.

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