
Common Sense?

Some days, like today, it really hits me from out of the blue. In a little over a month I�m going to be married again. I�m going to have a husband. I�ve been living on my own for going on 6 years now and I�m wondering how I will adjust more than I worry about how Aubrey will. LOL Carl stayed at his place last night and his cat was nuts without him there. She woke me up at 3:30 by knocking over my trash can and stuff on my dresser. I locked her out of the bedroom by stuffing a sock under the door. My door doesn�t close because the foundation shifted and the latch doesn�t catch. The cat was not happy with that sock there and meowed for several minutes before giving up. Thankfully I was able to fall back asleep. I felt bad for her because she�s been horking up hairballs like crazy. Carl says she has hardly ever puked her whole life. Well, she�s done it on 8 different spots in my apartment now. I�m not upset about that, I�m more worried that something is wrong with her or that she�s stressed out from the move. She has been eating a lot, so Carl told me to withhold food today. I suggested feeding her twice a day instead of all her food at once. We�ll see what happens as we change her over to a new schedule.

My sinuses have been driving me crazy this week. My nose is runny all day long and when I go to bed I can�t breathe. My head feels so stuffed up that I feel drowsy all day and all I want to do is find a dark corner somewhere and rest my eyes. I wish the real spring would make it here already and do away with the cold/rainy vs. warm/rainy days that keep battling it out. Make up your mind about what the temperature is going to be and maybe run with that for more than a day or two. That would be really nice. Thanks.

I would talk about more stupid people things, but it�s really starting to bug me about how stupid people can really be. Common sense isn�t really that hard to grasp. It involves doing (or not doing) something and what might happen if I do (or don�t do) something. Hmmmm boy that�s a complicated procedure to have to go through before doing (or not doing) something. Don�t even get me started. I could write a whole book on Co-worker #2 and how the lack of common sense (and sometimes lack of tact) works (or doesn�t work) at the office.

Speaking of lack of common sense, I read a news story today that really made me sad. A dead baby was found in a duffle bag with some womens clothing and a purple robe. They have since found the mother of the baby. She�s 15 and says the baby was still born. Is getting in trouble with your parents more important than the health and safety of the life you�ve carried inside yourself for nearly a year??? Is this truly a disposable society where we can throw away anything we don�t want, including children? What are we teaching our kids that they think they are better off putting a baby in a duffle bag and leaving it in a field than to just come to us and tell us that they have a problem? I see stories like these and I cry for those poor babies that are just left to die without one loving touch. I cry for those kids that think they have no other choice than to let that baby die. Co-worker #2 said �well at least she didn�t abort the baby.� Excuse me??? How is leaving the baby to die in a fricken duffle bag any different than having an abortion?? At least with an abortion you have the debate over �when does life begin�. This poor kid�s life began and ended probably in the same hour.

Ehhhh enough of that stuff. I need to go occupy my mind with something else. Enjoy the rest of your day.

kellbelle at 1:12 p.m.

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