
Thirty Eight Days To Go

Not much to report, once again. I got home last night, watched H0use and ate some leftovers. I went to bed early, had a good little bit of monkey sex and slept like a baby. I wake up feeling tired as hell lately, though.

Next week a lot of the wedding fun begins. Our first shower is on the 24th at Carl�s office. The 28th is the shower at his mom�s lake house. The 4th is the shower at his aunt�s house. The two weekends after that have nothing planned and then the wedding. Five weeks. Where has all the time gone???

Carl is still freaking out about little things. He�s worried about getting duplicate gifts and really silly things that are really nothing to worry about at all. You know what? If the link to the online registry doesn�t work, I�m sure that people are capable of picking some kind of wedding gift. If the online registry doesn�t work, ya know what? The one inside the store still works. I mean� give me a break. Why does he worry about that kind of stuff?? It has nothing to do with getting ready for the wedding. It has nothing to do with anything either he or I have to do to make things come together for the wedding. *sigh*

I just called the florist and everything is finally paid off for that. One musician, half of a massage therapist and a church fee to go! For pictures, we have decided to go digital. The photographer (Carl�s BIL) will give us a disk with all the pictures on it. We will then decide which ones we want and take them to a lab for processing. So between the wedding and the honeymoon I should be able to post some pictures! I have two or three Diary Landers that are coming to the wedding, so beware ;) hehe Your picture WILL be posted.

Today feels like Thursday to me. I know it�s really Wednesday because I have my last troop meeting tonight. We�re not really going to do anything special. I have a game that I bought at Tarjay the other day. It should be fun as it combines a number of different techniques to play. There�s drawing, clay, trivia and music. I think it will be fun. Next week is our end of the year party, which happens to be exactly 30 days from the wedding, so there will be much celebrating. I thought about having the party at the apartment pool, but I think we�re safer inside to do our little ceremony, have some food and present my cookie mom with her giant thank you card and gift. That reminds me, I have to get the girls to sign the card tonight while the cookie mom is running an errand for the troop. Hehe

It�s only 10:30 and I am so completely bored. I would really love to go find somewhere dark and quiet and have a nap, but the floor can be too hard to be comfortable for long ;) Have a good day.

kellbelle at 10:22 a.m.

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