
Advice for when you are married...

Do not talk about money in the bedroom. EVER. Even if the other person brings it up. NEVER ever EVER. *sigh* Carl made the comment that we're spending money like water. Ummmm no we're not, it's just that we actually had money to spend. When I got the insurance check, they took so long in sending it that they had to add on interest. So what I did was skim off the interest into cash and put the rest in an account as planned. This whole week... everything that I have personally purchased (with the exception of the new car)... has been paid for with that cash.

All the items we bought at T@rget for the house, all the things we got at Home Depot, all the Christmas gifts I got for Aubrey (only 3 things), groceries, etc. were paid for with the extra cash. I honestly don't see why he's freaking as we have the same amount of money in the account that we planned on having.

He wanted to talk about how much money we're going to "pay" me (since I"m not working he wants me to pay myself a salary) and how we're going to do the bills. I didn't answer because I was still offended a bit by the "money like water" comment and suddenly feeling like maybe I shouldn't even be thinking about going to school if he's that worried about money. Yes, yes I know I have a really sad, pathetic and twisted mind. I can't help it. So now I can't sleep wondering if I'm being selfish for quitting my job and wanting to go back to school. *sigh* I need a life.

kellbelle at 10:48 p.m.

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