
Bird flew the coop

Bird, my cockatiel, flew out of the house today and he's gone on the wind. I hope he's okay and that he has sense enough to fly back here because his dumb bird ass will probably be dead from the cold if he doesn't.

I'm struggling today. I was watching something on tv... ER I think... and they had to tell a little girl that her dad died. Since then I have been having flashbacks of having to tell Aubrey about her dad. I worry about something happening to me and someone having to tell her. It's silly really, but I just keep thinking about it over and over.

And all these thoughts just make me really angry at that man. My period is WAY over, so I know it's not the hormones. I just can't stop thinking about it. I need to go find something to do I guess.

kellbelle at 11:01 a.m.

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