
'Tis The Season

'Tis the season, right? I love it when something is placed on my heart and I hear the call.

I called my old church this morning to see if there were any needy families that could use a surprise this Christmas. I was told of one young woman who is pregnant and struggling living alone. She doesn't have any insurance and was needed to pay a doctor bill. My heart about burst open and I told my pastor that I would send the money. I feel so good right now. I don't mean to brag about it, but if you knew what I have been through in the last couple of years, you would know that it means a great deal to me to repay the kindness of strangers that I received from that church. I was given groceries, money, a job, all things that I coudln't have gotten on my own. All things that saved my life. All things that I will never, ever forget.

The biggest step a person in need can take is asking for help. It's a big chunk out of your pride to say "Hey... do you have any food for me and my daughter?" or "Hey... do you have any kind of job I can do to earn some money?" I never expected to be just handed anything, but when I asked, they were there with whatever they could give me. This pregnant girl had the courage to ask for some help paying a bill. I'm sure she's not expecting anyone to just pay it, and I wish I could see her face when she finds out that someone did. I'm sitting here in tears now remembering how grateful I was... and I can just imagine how the person who helped me must have felt knowing they had the power to do so.

kellbelle at 10:05 a.m.

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