
Greetings and Salutations

Aubrey has no school today so she is off at her friend's house enjoying the free day. I think they said they're going to the mall or something and maybe see a movie. I'm sitting here with a big bowl of my homemade chili, some bread and butter, and a frost cold beer. Life couldn't get much better. Well, I suppose it could if the chili and beer would clean this office. It's a mess. I just realized that it's only 11:30 and I'm having a beer. Ooops... it's after noon somewhere in the world I guess. heh

My big plan for today is to get this office cleaned. I want to work on my Christmas cards as I'm trying to personally make each one this year. Yeah... really. hehe So that means I have to get my work space cleared off so I can get all creative. If you would like a personally handcrafted Christmas card from yours truly, please drop me an email with your snail mail addy. Michelle, Meredith, Crystal.. you are all on my list as I already know where you live (insert Grinchy laugh).

Speaking of Christmas cards, I received a darn cute one today, thanks Mer!

kellbelle at 11:37 a.m.

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