
Quick Update

It's been a long couple of days. I went for a massage on Monday because my shoulder hurt. By the time I got home, my entire upper back was in pain. I don't know if she used too much pressure or if my back is just bad. I need to do something though because we are about to be spending a LOT of time in the car and staying places that do not have my bed! LOL

Yesterday was Aubrey field trip for choir. It was fun. They performed at the bank and then on to the nursing home. This nursing home was really hot inside, but everyone was smiling and having a good time. I used to hate singing at nursing homes. It always made me cry. The older people would cry and tell us to go home. Aubrey cried last year, but as I said, this year everyone was upbeat and happy.

The kids on the bus were INSANE. They would yell just to talk to the person sitting next to them and I felt like the biggest bitch, but the bus drive kept pulling over to the side of the road to get them to shut up and he wouldn't move until they did. Needless to say I was saying "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" a lot.

I keep thinking of last minute people I need a gift for. I've been crocheting a lot of scarves for family members. My right hand is all cramped. LOL But it's fun and I hope they like everything.

I need coffee. Catch you later.

kellbelle at 8:34 a.m.

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