
Not much to report and other ramblings

I start school tomorrow. I've figured out where all the classes are and the buildings are all pretty close. My first class tomorrow isn't until 11:00, so hopefully my sleeping problem won't interfere with me getting up! Tomorrow class is at 9:30. That might be a little tougher, but I'm sure I'll manage! I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about when classes start. I will have to be sure to take cough medicine and anti-drippy medicine so I'm not hacking and clearing my throat all through the lecture.

Last night we went to pick up Aubrey and her picky eater friend. This friend's mom helps me with Girl Scouts. When I walked into their house, it made me feel so much better about my own. It looked like someone had taken the entire contents of their closets and other rooms and threw everything into the living room. Their younger daughter (I think she's 2) was writing with crayons ALL over the walls. I didn't see a wall that didn't have crayon. The mom made the comment that she has stopped trying to clean up all the crayon and is hoping that one day the kid picks a color that looks good so the mom can just paint the wall that color.

Now I'm not a neat freak, but that house made me feel like I was. Aubrey has made the comment before that she feels weird staying over there and I never really knew why until last night. When I was on choir tour back in college, we stayed with a host family that had a house like that and I will always remember the sounds of the MICE running under the bed and jumping over all the crap that was piled everywhere. C.R.E.E.P.Y. That's all I'm going to say.

Anyway, back to picky eater... she's over today since the kids don't have school. When this kid is over for any meal, I can't cook or she won't eat. This kid lives off of frozen kids meals and McDonalds. She's a year younger than Aubrey and her chest is already developing. I'm wondering if it's from all the hormones in the crap food she eats all the time? I tried to something partially healthy for lunch today. Chicken nuggets and french fries. That's about as healthy as she'll go at my house. For my part I did by the GOOD nuggets that aren't pressed together parts. LOL

I'm having the chicken I made last night (oven roasted) with rutabegga on the side. Have you ever had rutabegga? It's one of my favorite veggies. It's a kind of turnip I believe. I boil it and mash it up with butter and salt and pepper. It's really good.

I can hardly believe that it's the second week in January already. It seems like just a short time ago it was Christmas! I was really out of it when I was sick... I spent two weeks in bed! Half the time I didn't know what time it was or even what day it was. I had to unplug my alarm clock to have room to plug in the humidifier, the breathing machine, etc. I haven't done a breathing treatment in a while... haven't felt like I needed to, but I do still have a little congestion left. Maybe I should do a few more, use up the medicine and then put the machine up for the next time.

It's beautiful here today. I have the windows and the doors open. It will soon be pool time! I'm really going to enjoy having the pool this summer. Although I have been thinking of getting a part time job for the summer. Aubrey is old enough where she can be alone for a few hours during the day. I'll have to get out there and see what's available.

Well, I guess that's enough rambling for today. Have a good one.

kellbelle at 11:30 a.m.

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