
Pepto Pink

Thank you EVERYONE who left me notes and sent emails and such for my birthday. It was a really good day despite it being just like any other day. We did, however, go out to eat last night at Johnny Carinos and it was excellent. It's an Italian grill place with excellent food. I had a few glasses of wine and when I got home this is what my flowers looked like

I still can't believe he got me flowers. He is such a sweet man and I know that come Valentine's Day I will have flowers again. Sometimes it's nice that he's a little insecure in that he wants to continually remind me how much he loves me. But he's not insecure enough to think I would leave him for someone else or anything like that. He just likes to make sure I know how he feels.... which is wonderful. I guess that's not really insecurity. But when we have an argument... he's the one that actually cries and I get the feeling that he thinks I might leave becaue of an argument. It's strange, but all around it's sweet and new for me and he's the best husband ever. I know what it means now to be married to my best friend.

Yesterday in government, I was shocked by someone that I've had a dull icky feeling about. She sits in front of me and wears PINK every day. Not just pink, but Pepto Bismol pink. She has HUGE blonde hair, wear awful chunky jewelry and is a pretty large woman. She's probably in her early 20's and is so opinionated.

We were talking about immigration and should people be required to learn English if they move here. She said that English is the language of money. The prof asked her to explain and she went on to say that she had been to Africa and was amazed that all the little kids could speak English. But when they came up to her, she said she knew why they learned English. They wanted money from her.

Now there is a young girl who sits behind me that is FROM Africa and she was totally pissed off that Pepto Girl would assume they learned English just to get money from white people. It was just awful and I was in the middle of the two of them. I just wanted to put my head down on my desk and disappear. LOL In the end Pepto Girl said "I'm sorry...I didn't MEAN to insult you." Gah

Pepto Girl went on to say that if she doesn't learn Spanish, she will never find a job in the sunbelt because she is in the medical field. I'm thinking to myself that if she works in a private hospital that she will have no problem with it... and if her grades are good enough, she could probably work anywhere she wanted. Of course if her grade point average is low, then she will, of course, be working in poorer hospitals where knowing a second language would be a benefit. I don't know... perhaps I have too strong opinions of my own. I just can't stomach people that play the "race card" all the time... that includes white people. Yes there are injustices... but there are injustices all over the world and if you're not going to do anything to help get them changed, please don't complain.

That is one reason I don't like debate. Not that I'm afraid to express my opinions (okay maybe I am), but I don't always feel that I know what I'm talking about! LOL All I have are my own perceptions of my own experiences. A lot of times I feel pretty dumb in my classes, but it's not the classes making me feel that way. It's me making myself feel that way. I really do enjoy the classes, though. I just get nervous when it comes to discussions. My gov't prof told me not to sell myself short. I'm trying to be better.

Well I'd better get ready for class. I have my intro to social work class today and it's by far my favorite. Have a great day everyone.

kellbelle at 7:57 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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