
Short Hair & Bathromm Redecoration

So much for using Friday to do those Tags I was saying I would catch up on! LOL I had a busy day. I cleaned and organized my kitchen and I'm finally really happy with the way the house is coming together. I know it takes a long time to organize after a move. Especially since we moved into a space that is MUCH bigger than either one of us have lived in before. We need furniture and decorating, carpet, etc. before it will all really come together, but we're liking it more and more and more things get done.

Aubrey and I both got our hair cut short. Here's Aubrey, but I don't have a decent picture of me yet.

Today we're off to the home improvement store to get Aubrey a new bathroom. Well, not a completely new bathroom, but she's getting new flooring, a new sink and a new countertop. We're also going to paint eventually. I'm thinking a pale yellow.

I wanted to take her shopping today, but she wants to go to Picky Eater's house, so I will let her. We went out for Mexican food last night and I guess I should be thankful that she wanted to do THAT much with me! hehe

Anyway... have a great weekend. I have a couple papers that I have to work on this weekend, so I probably won't be updating.

kellbelle at 10:20 a.m.

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