
Whimper Whimper

OKay... paper for my review of the STate of the Union address is finished. Quiz #4 is finished. Reading is mostly finished. Now I have to start reviewing for my history test on Tuesday (we have the review for that tomorrow) and then I have to haul ass on two papers that I need to write by the 15th. ONe of them is my human development paper from age 0 - 12. That won't be too hard to write, but applying all the theories and shit is a pain in the ass. I know I developed normally, but we must follow the rules and quote theories and show what significant events shaped our childhood. Again, not hard just a pain in the ass. The other paper is an opinion paper on an essay that I have to read. Actually it's a book, but I'm picking out a couple chapters instead of doing the whole book. That was my original thought, but I didn't say anything about how that scared me to the professor. He took one look at the book that Carl gave me and suggested that I do just a few chapters instead of the whole book. I'm really liking that professor! hehe Although this is the same guy that came up with those 75 questions for the review tomorrow. So we'll see if I still like him after Tuesday's test. heh

I joined the Social Work club at school today and it sounds like it's going to be fun. The girl who was my orientation leader was there and I told her how she influenced my decision to change my major to social work. She was so happy she looked like she was going to cry. LOL

I have a Girl Scout meeting tomorrow night and have absolutely ZERO activities planned. School is really starting to make me feel overwhelmed in a lot of other places in my life. I'm nervous I won't do well. *whimper whimper lower bottom lip protruding whimper whimper*

So I guess I'd better get off my ass and get writing and looking up activities for GS tomorrow night.

kellbelle at 3:57 p.m.

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