
Plan of Action

Carl and I watched Balseros last night. It's a movie about Cuban refugees trying to get to the United States. We both liked it a lot. There are a lot of really touching moments, humor and even a little suspense. The movie follows several people from the time they leave Cuba in rafts until years later. You see their struggles to leave Cuba, the way the handle leaving families behind, etc. It was good and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes documentaries or movies of that nature. I rented my copy on N*etflix.

Today is the test review for the history exam on Tuesday. Carl pointed out that I have ALL weekend (I don't have class on Fridays) and all my other homework is done other than working on two papers due the 14th & 15th. I can work on the papers inbetween studying. Not much of a mind break I know, but hopefully it will break it up enough that I won't stress too much.

I joined the Social Work club at school and it appears that I might be elected the club secretary since I have about 20 years of administrative experience. LOL I don't mind too much. It's just a matter of taking minutes, keeping attendance, distributing emails, and delivering paperwork. No big deal and it will look good on my resume, right?

Girl Scout meeting tonight is going to be spent working on our CyberGirl patch. They have to sign an internet safety agreement and then do a "treasure hunt" using the Girl Scout website. I think it will be fun and since we have three computers here, they can all work on it at one time. If more than three girls show up (which is unusual but totally fine), I will double up the girls on computers and they can work as a team.

I talked to my local council last night and they said that they will help me record my hours with Girl Scouts to be put for my hours at school! That is SO awesome, you can't even immagine. I have to do 30 hours this semester and I need all the time I can get! Typically I spend about an hour of prep work and an hour and a half of time with the girls, so monthly that's 5 hours. Plus I am the co-chair for our service unit as well as the treasurer and I do work with other aspects of the council on various committees. Yay!

Well, I need to make myself a sandwich and get my stuff together for class. I don't have to leave for over an hour, but I need to start some laundry and stuff as well. Have a great day!

kellbelle at 8:32 a.m.

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