

I didn't mean to be handing out complexes yesterday! LOL I doubt very seriously that the person I was talking about even reads my diary anymore, but I didn't want to draw attention to them as that would be unfair.

Not much going on today. It's beautiful out. It rained this morning and I slept in listening to the rain and the birds. It was wonderful. It's sunny and warm out now. Six more weeks of winter? We never had winter here to begin with so I will take it.

I've been trying to make Carl a valentine today and I have the idea down. It's just finding the way to put it together. Yeah... I'm a dork like that. I love making things for people. Some of you might even get one if I know where you live! hehe Scary thought... of me knowing where you live *insert wicked laugh here*

What I really should be doing is studying for my history test on Tuesday, but Carl told me he would help me this weekend and that I should use today to relax and catch up with other things. That, to me, meant sleep! Haha!! Okay... seriously, I did take it to mean sleep, but I do have dishes and laundry and other sundries waiting for me to get after, so I suppose I should get to them. Have a great weekend!

kellbelle at 1:49 p.m.

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