
Catch a fire

I'm such a dork. I just found out my government test is NEXT week. LOL See what I mean about not being a test taker? I am my own worst enemy.

I did go to class today and I'm glad I did. We had a speaker in my Intro to Social Work class and it was a presentation I've already seen. But it was only 10 minutes and then the class was dismissed. Next class was all note taking and then I headed to have some free pizza, a cookie, and meet one of the candidates for a professor spot that's opening up next year. All in all, not a bad day.

I have two packages at the post office, but Carl is going to pick them up for me on the way home. My energy is running a little low.

Tomorrow I have to be at the ODIS place at 9:30 for my first orientation (for my volunteer hours). I'm really excited. I'm expecting my Spanish books and software any day now as well. I feel like I'm on fire some days... and other days like I've caught the fire. Any of you ever feel that way? LOL Go from being inspired to being engulfed in flames? LOL The later happens to me more often than not. Hopefully I can keep it together and learn more from this semester than just knowledge from books. I'm hoping I learn about myself, as well.

I love you guys. The amount of encouraging notes and emails I get blows my mind some days considering I've met only a few of you in real life. You make things a lot easier when I'm having a tough time and I'm so thankful for all of you. You guys are the best. Bless you all for caring enough to express support, well wishes or whatever. You are so appreciated and cared about in return.

kellbelle at 1:10 p.m.

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