
Monday Monday part #2

Second entry for the day.

I ordered my new laptop this morning. I should have it next week. I'm glad I waited for Carl to guide me because we found a good deal on the Dell site.

I have also found something for Carl to do. The place I'm volunteering doesn't have a website, so I bought them a domain for 2 years (registered it for 10) and Carl and I are going to get the website up and running and maintain it for them. The lady was so happy that she cried.

School was good. Got a 97% on my first developmental paper. I finished my gov't paper when I got home from school today. Tomorrow is a history test that Aubrey helped me study for. I have all the questions ahead of time and I only missed two, so I expect I'll do well on the test. After the test tomorrow I will start writing my second developmental paper and start thinking about midterm tests. blargh

I'm off to do my volunteer work. Have a good evening!

kellbelle at 6:13 p.m.

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