
Online Dating Show

I watched some new program last night about online dating. It followed people meeting up with other people online. I should say that I TRIED to watch it. I got disgusted at how unbelievably shallow people are.

This one woman was on a second date with a guy. He really liked her and she said he was "okay" but she said "I just didn't feel all hot and heavy about the guy." Ummmm ya know having a realtionship is not all about the hot and heavy! Sheesh Does that mean when she's married and there is no more hot and heavy that she will run for a divorce? How many of you married people out there still have that hot and heave infatuational love? I mean... yes I love my husband more than anyone I've ever known, but we don't make out like teenagers every time we see each other.

I have had several really great relationships that never developed into hot and heavy. Some of those people turned out to be really great friends. I didn't just decide to not talk to them anymore because I didn't feel a sexual attraction to them.

Another woman met a guy who lied to her about how old he was. THAT I can totally understand. Why people choose to lie to someone they are planning on meeting is BEYOND me. Don't you think the person you're going to meet is going to see that you're 40 something instead of the 35 that you told them you were???

This actually happened to me with the Canadian. He told me he was in his 30's and he was actually in his 40's. It didn't really matter to me because I liked his personality and I got to know him before I found out his real age. Now I see that it was a pattern of lies, but what can I do about it? Nothing. I took him at his word and that was my mistake. But still, even when I saw him I gave him a chance because life is more about how old someone is. I trused that he was genuine about everything else and for the most part he was.

People are so obsessed with how someone looks. I know as well as anyone that I have to be attracted to someone before I can feel any kind of romantic inclination towards them. But give people a chance! My gosh that show physically made my stomach turn for these really cute little nerdy guys trying to hang out with these women who looked like supermodels.

Girls... let me just tell you something. Nerdy guys make the best lovers, best friends, best husbands, best boyfriends, best anything you want them to be. They are sweet, thoughtful, considerate, devoted and they only have eyes for YOU. I have never felt more beautiful, more loved and appreciated, special or cared for in my whole life. Nerdy boys rock the universe and they are SMART! They can talk about things other than television... other than going out with the guys... other than sports. They know stuff and like to talk about your FEELINGS. I can't go on enough about them.

Anyway, I had to shut that show off. It made my head hurt watching these women diss the guys. And there wasn't one nasty guy on that show (other than the creepy, hippy guy who lied to the girl). The men were honest, approachable and seemed sincere. I thought that's where good relationships came from.

kellbelle at 9:32 a.m.

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