
road trip & spring break

Spring break is here! I can hardly believe that half of the semester is gone. It freaks me out a little bit to think that I have midterms when I get back to school on the 20th.

My mom and one of my sisters are coming to visit. I'm picking them up at the airport tonight. We're driving to San Antonio on Sunday and coming back on Monday. Aubrey has a horse lesson on Tuesday and her horse show next weekend. She's really looking forward to it. I will have to take lots of pictures of her in her riding outfit. She looks adorable.

Not much else to report. Carl and Aubrey are busy cleaning and preparing the house, I need to get some studying done for my first midterm on the 20th. It covers chapters 1-5, but we've only covered 1-3 in class, so I have lots of reading to do. My human behavior mid-term is the 21st and that is just a TON of information as well. At least I have lots of time to process the study guide and I can bring my laptop on the road with us to San Antonio and review my notes and stuff while we drive.

I hope mom and Deb know what they're in for... San Antonio is about 5 1/2 hours from here. That's a lot of time in the car in close quarters!

kellbelle at 12:23 p.m.

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