
I need a jolt, a kick, a pick me up

I so don't remember being this tired the first time I was pregnant. Of course I was sick most of the time, so maybe I just didn't notice? I fee like a zombie. All I want to do is sleep and read my book and sleep some more. Getting up for class has been really difficult and there was really nothing for me to eat around here for breakfast. I grabbed a Special K bar (goodbye South Beach) and ate that, took my vitamin and packed up for school. Normall I'm there at 8:30, even though class doesn't start until 9:30. yeah... I'm a freak about being late, but today I'm so tired that I'm staying home a while before I leave so I'm not sitting up there an hour.

I REALLY want some Starbucks, but I should probably lay off the coffee. I've been good about drinking my four glasses of milk a day and lots of water. Haven't had a diet coke/pepsi in several days and don't really miss it, but I feel like I need a "kick" of something to wake me up. I actually have weened myself off the sugar in my coffee, so now when I have it, it's just coffee and creamer (half and half). That's pretty good for me if you knew how sweet I drank my coffee before!

I'm going for a massage today. It's been a long time since I had one, and my shoulders have been aching. Too much sleeping and reading I suppose! heh

Anyway... I'm out of here. Need to head to class. Have a great day!

kellbelle at 8:38 a.m.

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