

Last night as I was taking out my contacts, I bumped the counter and a can of hair spray landed right on the top of my second toe. Holy Mary Mother of Hairspray did that hurt!!!! I think it's broken. There is one tiny little black and blue mark just under the nail, but that son of a gun hurt and pounded and throbbed all night and still is throbbing today. It looks really swollen. I can walk okay, but shoes??? Forget about it! Holy crap it hurts. So I'm home today playing secretary to the Estate of my ex husband. Making phone calls etc.

We finally got his truck back from the family and we have already sold it. Well, we're waiting to get the title before the transaction takes place, but the truck has been takin care of. I'm sure his family will be pissed, because THEY wanted it, but you know what? They have EVEYRTHING else so basically fuck them. They are still wanting to be reimbursed for the attorney that they hired. Yeah right. Sorry but that's not going to happen. They will be lucky to get a "it's been nice knowing you" out of me.

I really need to get this house in shape, too. Carl's aunt and uncle are coming up this way for a visit and the house, as usual, is a stye. I hate having no energy. Oh well.. on to it. Have a great day.

kellbelle at 10:00 a.m.

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