
Found a surprise note

I just found something that has me all twited up. Aubrey left a letter by my computer and this is what it says:

May 1, 2006

Dear Someone:

My mom sometimes yells at me when she is on the computer when I just want to play a gmae. It seems that since Carl came it hasn't been fun. My dad shot himself and my mimi and aunt stole all his stuff and sold it and we can't get in the house. I am just so mad!!!

P.S. I found a letter that said Mimi sent a nasty letter, I read it but I don't know what it means. I am scared.

I don't know what to think of this or where this is coming from. I have hardly been on the computer when she's home... I have been reading mostly and watching TV. Nothing bad happened yesterday that I know of and I certainly don't know what letter she's talking about in the P.S. I've called the counselor at school to see what is going on. Hopefully I will hear something soon because this really has me torn up.

kellbelle at 1:45 p.m.

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