
Dropped the class

I dropped the class, so no more problems trying to figure out how to eat lunch. :)

Aubrey and I got up early for her horseback riding lesson today. I dropped her off, came home and showered, and then headed back to her lesson to watch her. She worked hard today. The coach says she's doing great. Aubrey had a horse show on Saturday and she is still first in her class. Yay Aubrey!

Carl and Aubrey started the painting project in her room. As soon as that is completed, we will start painting the baby's room. We're going with some kind of green... I forgot what the color is called, but it's lovely and will work for boy or girl.

I was vomitulous this morning and I'm having massive aversions to food. I have to force myself to eat. I had a supernova craving for fruit yesterday, so Aubrey and I went and got peaches, canteloupe, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and grapes. When the canteloupe is ripe I will make fruit salad if I haven't already devoured the other said frutas.

I have a lot of crap to do including two financial reports for Girl Scouts. I have bills to pay and I have to mail off the completed stuff for my speeding ticket. I did the online driver safety course and scored a 100%. Go me. But right now my brain hurts and I don't want to do anything but sleep. Sleep is so good. Sleep is my friend. I think I shall go sleep now.

kellbelle at 4:10 p.m.

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