
Feeling A Bit of The Sap

Carl's aunt got me a beautiful book called Miracle by Anne Geddes and Celine Dion. It's all those adorable babies posed as little flowers and such and comes with a CD of Celine singing lullabyes and other mushy songs. Yeah, I'm pregnant and it made me cry. heh

One song really touched me. It talked about all the things she could do for her child if she could and it made me realize that I never heard those kinds of things from my mom, but they are things I always try to tell Aubrey. I guess that's what really makes me sad sometimes. My mother was never those things to me and I wonder if I was ever those things to her.

Relationships are so weird, aren't they? They come and go. Some mean nothing really and others mean everything. People you've never met face to face can have more of an impact on your life than someone who raised you. You can so profoundly miss a woman who never gave birth to you and yet you loved her as any birth child. And yet your own parent you can feel such a profound disconnect from. I hope that never happens with my own kids. I never want to be the kind of parent who has no impact let alone a negative one upon my kids.

Sorry for the sap but it's bound to happen from time to time. heh

kellbelle at 1:21 p.m.

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