
My Baby Is Off To Jr High

My little girl started Jr High today. I wasn't all teary eyed or anything. I'm proud of her. She's been ready to go back to school for a while and it was great to see her so excited. I hope she has a great first day and enjoys Jr High a lot more than I did. :)

To celebrate, I took her clothes shopping yesterday and while I only inteded to let her buy a couple pairs of shorts that didn't leave her bootie hanging out, we ended up getting some really cute stuff and she was glowing by the time we were finished.

We also went to Mich@el's to look for a baby album. Is it too early to start one? I was thinking of putting the sonogram pictures in there as well as pictures of Carl and I when we were babies. I did that for Aubrey's album and she just loves that page. I found really cute baby stickers and I really hope I'm having a girl, because everything is pink. hehe

It's weird having the day to myself. After I dropped Aubrey off at school I went to St@rbucks and ran into one of my professors from last term. He and I talked from 8:00 until about 9:45. It was great to see him. He and his wife take the evening Spanish class at church with us. I told Carl we need to have them over some weekend for BBQ. They love Aubrey and are just really neat people. It was nice for me to have some adult conversation, too. I'm looking forward to going back to school even if it means getting up early. It's amazing how much you can get done when you're out of bed before 8:00. hehe

I have been trying to organize my desk. I ordered a printer stand and it came yesterday. It looks really nice and is really great with two places for paper and two drawers to hold office supplies or whatever. My desk is looking better already. Now I just need to find a place to stow all my Girl Scout stuff. That takes up a lot of room beause not only do I have stuff for my troop, but I also act as the secretary/treasurer for my service unit. A service unit is over several troops in the area.

It feels good to be "nesting" even though the feeling comes and goes. This back office is a disaster area. Carl's crap is the biggest part of it, but I have a lot of stuff too. I thought that I was a bad packrat... the man won't even throw out old junk mail! I did hear him back here the other night shredding though, so maybe the threat of having my professor and his wife over for BBQ will get him back here to straighten up instead of playing on the computer.

It's been really weird for me not being computer centered, but I think it's because it's just not comfortable sitting here in this chair for long periods of time... and it's not very mentally stimulating either. Maybe I should get a jump start on some of my texts for class.

Well I'm off to do some errands without the kid in tow. Again, I hope she's having a good first day. I can't wait to hear about how her first day in band went.

kellbelle at 11:41 a.m.

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