
Hot and Bothered

Life is moving at a blistering pace. Took the Girl Scouts camping this weekend and it was really a lot of fun. It was hot, but fun. The girls got to cook all their own meals (with a little supervision) and we slept in the tent two nights. I had one girl go home because she was sick and another girl TRY to go home pretending to be sick. Unless they are bleeding, showing bone through the skin or running a fever, I don't let kids leave camp. It sounds cruel, but they are there to learn independence. Even the girl who got "sick" I think was really just homesick, but it was her first campout ever so I did cut her some slack. The other girl is just used to getting her way and threw a royal hissy fit. She snuck off at night without her buddy to use her cell phone to call home. They are not supposed to have cell phones at camp. The fact that she went off without a buddy at midnight pissed me off enough. Anyway, after dark they lock the gate to the camp so that no one can leave and no one can just pull in from off the highway. Safety. The other girl got sick during the day she she was allowed to leave. I'm mean, I know.

My stomach is really expanding and it's getting more difficult to walk fom class to class without feeling like I'm going to pass out from lack of oxygen. I almost did pass out today and had a little spotting, so I left during my TX Government class. At least I still get points for attendance ;) hehe

Carl's dad is staying with us this weekend so we really need to kick ass on this house before the weekend. Thankfully camping is done and I can get all that stuff put away. Also have a ton of laundry and stuff to put away, but for right now I need to lay down and try to cool off. I feel like an EasyBake oven with overdone goodies inside. hehe

kellbelle at 10:31 a.m.

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