
Off to Camp

Been super busy getting ready for cam this weekend. Got all the food shopping done this morning after I took Aubrey to school. I'm about to nap for a bit then I will pick the kids from carpool up from school, pack the car and wait until it's time to head to camp. I'm not even sure I'll see Carl tonight before we leave.

My blood pressure is back down to normal, but I do go for my follow up appointment next Friday.

Had my first couple of major tests this week and I think I did pretty well. Got an A on my psych exam and I'm waiting for Spanish and History results. The seemed to be okay... not EASY... but okay.

I'm hoping to get lots of pictures this weekend with the girls. It's finally cooled off to where it's under 70 at night, so I should be able to sleep pretty well. I'm bringing my air mattress and an abundance of pillows to make sure I'm comfortable. Carl will be visiting his nana this weekend, so hopefully the cats won't have a wild party while we're gone. I hate cleaning when I get home. ;)

I do have a project due for school on Monday, so I hope I have some time to finish that up. It's a media watch project and I have three TV shows out of 10 left to watch. Maybe I can get Carl to tape them while I'm gone and then I can watch them on Sunday when I get home from camp. I think I have until 11:59 PM Monday to turn in the assignment.

I got a weird thing in the mail today for some Scholar's Honor Society today. I will have to ask Carl if he's ever heard of it or if it's just a gimick to sell you stuff.

Well, I'm off to nap or something. Have a great weekend!

kellbelle at 1:27 p.m.

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