
Hump Day

I'm tired. I slept for shit last night and had awful dreams (Carl telling me he doesn't love me anymore) that made me wake up in tears. Stupid dreams.

Other than that, life is rolling along. I can't believe in a few weeks the semester will be over and I'll be waiting for baby to arrive. It's really a weird feeling... this waiting. But I'll make it I suppose.

Going to a Baroque concert on Friday night with our new friends Shannon and John. We have been having a blast with them. John and Carl must have been separated at birth as they are two peas in a pod and talk about things that make Shannon and I roll our eyes. hehe It's nice to have some friends in town. It's really nice that they are a couple and that we get along so well. I like them a lot. So anyway, yeah, concert and probably dinner and Aubrey will go too, which is always great when people who don't have kids love and accept your kids as part of who you are.

History test tomorrow... only one more in that class and then I'm done. I won't have to take the final :) Only one class today and I'm thankful because it's rainy and yucky out and I'm tired and feeling like I just want to crawl into bed and sleep. But I will go to class and socialize.

Shit, totally forgot about Girl Scouts tonight. I think we'll finish Halloween crafts and talk about a project I want to do for Christmas. We're going to gather school supplies and send them to Africa for kids there.

Well, I need to brush my teeth and get ready for class. Catch you later.

kellbelle at 10:10 a.m.

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