
Getting Closer

It's 11:00 am and I'm still sitting here in my pajamas. It seems all I have energy for is getting my ass out of bed (and only because my back hurts if I sleep too long) and eating/drinking stuff. Just about a month to go on the countdown meter, but I think the baby will be here before Christmas. I can't say for sure why, but it's just a feeling.

The skin on my stomach is tremendously tight and it hurts sometimes. I am forever slathering it with creams and oils to keep the skin moist so it doesn't get all stretched to hell, but I fear it's too late for that.

Went to Carl's grandparent's this weekend for his stepmom's birthday party and another baby shower. We won't need to buy anything. I'm set on clothes and blankets and diapers for a while and there are still two baby showers to go! Carl's work is having one and our church is having one for us as well. It's crazy. But we've decided that anything that we have too much of will be donated to the local shelters.

The birthday party was a lot of fun, but it was cold and I spent most of the time indoors watching my niece who was born in August. It's good practice for when my little one gets here :) Besides, the party was filled with loud music (which was fine) and TONS of drinking! The 60+ year olds were acting like they were in college. They were drinking shots of Jose Cuervo and Jack Daniels right out of the bottle! LOL It was crazy. But, if I hadn't been pregnant, I probably would have been right in there with them. hehe

Well, I suppose I should get off my ass and get in the shower and get dressed and do some reading for school since I'm not in class today. Have a great day everyone.

kellbelle at 10:53 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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