
No Room In The Inn

Aubrey is with Carl's mom this weekend shopping at First Monday in Canton, TX. It's the state's largest flea market (I believe) and when I called her she was having a blast. I have her $100 so she could buy for whomever she wanted and you should have seen her face. It made me feel so good. Canton is famous for dog breeders, so I told her she could NOT come home with a puppy (she still doesn't know she's getting one). She looked at me and said "But I was going to buy YOU a puppy, and if you didn't like it, I was going to keep it!" hehe Little shit.

Tomorrow night we're having Las Posadas at church. That's The Inns for those of you non-Spanish speaking peoples. We act out Joseph and Mary looking for a place for Mary to give birth. Guess who Joseph and Mary are? Yeah... luckily I don't have to give birth on queue.

So tomorrow after church Carl and I are driving to pick up puppy and will come home to prepare the scene for Aubrey. She won't be home until after Las Posadas. We're going to have a note on the door to tell her to go to her computer. On her computer will be the breeder's page where it shows a picture of the puppy and says "Bennet is going home with Aubrey Peters". Then I'm going to tell her to go to her room. On her door handle I have her Christmas stocking stuffed with cute doggie stuff and then inside her room we're going to have the dog waiting for her.

It should be a fun day tomorrow. I can't wait to see/bring home puppy.

kellbelle at 10:25 p.m.

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