
The Clock is Ticking

Seventeen days to go! As Moo would say "Eeeeeep!" That's only two weeks! With my luck it will be longer than that though LOL I'm so ready to have this baby. It's getting more and more difficult to drag my ass to school. I'm just so damn tired all the time.

Went to Starbucks today to try to induce labor ... hehe just kidding ... I needed a punch of something. I have a paper due tomorrow and two major tests. I just can't get my mind wrapped around the studying for the tests. ONe is in Spanish and the other is in history. Since I missed a week of school, I feel totally blank for the history test. I get so much more out of attending lectures than I do reading on my own, but some things can't be helped and what's done is done. I could always take the history test later, but she makes them harder when you take them later, so I'm better off just sucking it up and taking it tomorrow. I thought I could do some extra study tonight, but I forgot we have a Girl Scout meeting. Ugh.

Girl Scouts should be fun tonight though. I gave them an assignment for a badge we're working on. They had to pick a country and then bring in pictures or items of clothing from that country to show the kinds of things they wear. Aubrey did a collage of clothing from South Africa. A friend of ours gave us an Afghanistani wedding outfit to show the girls and Carl's mom loaned us a scarf from Africa as well. I hope the girls enjoy the exercise.

kellbelle at 9:39 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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