
Another Quick Update

I lost my mucus plug yesterday. Of course that doesn't mean a whole lot. It could mean that water breaking is eminent or that it's still a week away. How about you recent mommies? How soon after did your water break?

Nesting is still going hot and heavy. Swept and mopped and dusted the living room yesterday after school. I have two exams today, so not sure how my energy level will be after that, but anything to pass the time until delivery.

Ate at Panera Bread last night... yum. I had a bread bowl with potato soup. Then we hit the craft store and picked up a few last minute gifts. I have our Girl Scout Christmas party tomorrow night and just got a few small things for their stockings. We're going to make crafts, have a presentation from each of them on a badge they are earning, having a pre-cookie meeting, having food and then leaving me alone for the rest of the year. hehe

Well, I need coffee and to go back to bed, but instead I will have coffee and study psychology. Ciao for now.

kellbelle at 7:37 a.m.

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