
Smed - 2007-01-05 15:17:03
I pitched in with both Katie and Kristin, but it was easier, obviously. I held ground until 1AM and then I went to sleep.
Ms. Brazil - 2007-01-05 15:20:25
It would be nice if they had asked you if it would help you for them to stay with you- holding the baby and so on, cooking meals-wouldn't that be nice! But some people are just not naturally helpful. How about pumping and storing the milk for nighttime feedings? It's a little early to switch to formula. I literally had to force myself to breastfeed for the first week- I really hated it. Some people like it. Eventually I got used to it. Hang in there- this is an adventure!!
terri - 2007-01-05 16:53:46
When baby is on a better schedule, you won't have so many crying jags. Honest! Hang in there with the breastfeeding. Don't give into the bottle just yet if you can help it. Give it a good 6 weeks, or the nipple confusion can end your breastfeeding career. :) And there is nothing in this world like nursing baby while you nap. I miss it SO much. I'm here if you have any questions, okay? A lot of mom's are against scheduling their babies, but I learned my lesson after Riley. I put the next 4 on a schedule and baby and Mama were much happier humans!
Kat - 2007-01-06 01:15:39
Congratulations on having such a beatiful little girl, she's such a little sweet heart (I just looked at your photos). Everyone else is so full of great advice, and so much faster with the commenting than I am so I'll just leave you with: You'll find your niche, and once that happens things will begin to look up. Hopefully you'll be able to get some rest soon, that'll help too! Take care. ((hugs)) ~Kat
bettyalready - 2007-01-06 13:10:35
ohhhhhhhh, ok, was gone for so long, missed that part about the crazy Kanuckian. HAPPY BABY! She's SO cute, just like her sister. Perfect.

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