
Changes A'happenin

I had my yearly visit to the doctor yesterday. When I asked him about birth control, he said "Well what have you been using up to this point?" I said "Nothing." He says "Well, why not???" and I say "Ummmm because until now I didn't NEEEED to." "ohhhhhhh I'm sorry" hehe Silly man.

So now I'm trying out the patch. I felt a little weird yesterday, and they do say that you can be head achey and nauseous, but the patch is really nice and I think I will like the convenience of only having to remember once a week instead of every day.

Doug messaged me last night. His brother wants to buy my bike that I have there in Canada. I had told his brother that he could just have the bike and make Doug pay me for it since he owes me $400. hehe He said he would be happy to pay me for the bike AND get the money from Doug. So anyway, Doug says "I need your address." Ummmm I guess he can't get it from the thousands of letters and cards he's received from me over the years. So I give it to him and he tries to talk to me, but I pretty much keep it confined to "ok" "fine" "sure". I'm glad I wasn't weak. I have missed him, but I sure don't miss the bullshit and his dismissive behavior. I'm so much better off without him.

Carl called last night on my way home from picking up Aubrey and asked me to call him at work. Up until now I haven't had his work number, so it seems there's another level of trust. We talked for a few minutes and then I told him I was going to let him get some work done since I had to run into the store. He said Noooooooo hehe So I had to call him back right after I got out of the store. LOL

Finished up his laundry last night and folded it all. He said he felt funny about it and I said that I really enjoyed being able to do nice things for him. I made little notes and stuck them in the pockets of his clothes to find when he wears them. LOL I'm such a geek. Hope he likes them

Well, work is pretty busy so I'd better get back to it.

Oh! Forgot to mention that Carl wants to drive to Little Rock to meet Chou Chou, so I have to talk to her about when a good time to visit would be!

kellbelle at 9:23 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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