
Weepy Day

I'm not really having such a good day today. I have been a little frustrated with Aubrey and her school work. She is a lot smarter than she thinks she is. You tell me how a kid who is on the A/B Honor Roll can bring home so many F's?? I called her dad to talk about it. He never makes her do anything at his house and his response to me was "You are the primary parent, therefore it is YOUR responsibility to be in control of her education."

Her problem is that she wants to do things to get them over with. With comprehension questions, this can be a really big problem because she doesn't go back to try and look for the answer. She guesses and half the time if she would just go back and look, the answer is so obvious. The other thing she gets wrong from reading quickly is being tricked by words that sound alike. In social studies when you ask her what continent we live on, she will tell you the United States of America. And when you ask her what country, she says North America. They sound alike so she doesn't stop to think in her head what the difference between a continent and a country is.

School was not easy for me when I was younger, and I get so frustrated with her for not slowing down to think about stuff before she answers. When I try to explain, she interrupts me saying "but momma...." before I'm even finished speaking. It drives me crazy. And if she doesn't buckle down and pass this TAKS test coming up, she will not pass into 4th grade. I can't seem to get it through her head.

I'm all needy today and wanted to see Carl tonight, but I only have $20 in my bank account and won't have enough gas for work tomorrow if I drive up there tonight. I hate to have him keep driving all the way to Mesquite all the time. He's been late for work and tired and I feel guilty about that.

I'm trying to stay focussed here at work, but I'm all weepy today. Gary really pissed me off last night. I went to bed at 8:30 I was so mad. I slept well... about 9 hours... but I don't feel any less frustrated today. I'm wondering how much it would cost me to subpoena his employement records and get his child support raised. I really need to look into that. I bet that would make me feel better.

kellbelle at 9:54 a.m.

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