

Today is the two month anniversary of when Carl and I met. He just told me he has a surprise and a gifti for me! He is so sweet and thoughtful. I never know what to expect when he says he has something for me because it has ranged from something downright silly (like fixing my toilet) to something really sweet and thoughtful (like bringing a CD to my house with a bottle of wine and slow dancing with me). We're going to have dinner at this place called The Loophole in Denton. We ate there two weekends ago for lunch and it was excellent. Jana is taking Aubrey up to church tonight, so she told me not to rush home because she will probably be there late.

I'm feeling so frumpy today. I have been breaking out like a teenager from the hormones and my boobs are soooo sore. Ugh. You just gotta love being a woman sometimes.

I got a new template (as you can see) and I think I've worked out all the bugs and have all my links working again. Hope I have anyway. If you find something amiss, please let me know! Okay.. time to put some makeup on and head north.

kellbelle at 4:06 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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