
It feels like Monday, but it's not!

I'm feeling a little better today. Carl tried to call last night, but I didn't answer the phone. I was tres emotional and it would have done no good to talk to him, especially since he was oblivious that I was emotional to begin with. He left a sweet message (and really I'm glad he called even though I didn't feel like talking), so I felt better by the time I ended up sleeping. I lay awake for a loooong time though. My mind was going 100 mph. I hate it when that happens. I had even taken a sleeping pill to help. I think it's time to call the help line from work and start counseling again and get some meds. I do okay most of the time, but it seems when I'm "not" doing well handling it, I really do need something whether it be professional "disinterested" guidance or some of the medical assistant variety.

I'm still bummed out about the whole financial thing. I know what a drag it is and now it's going to keep us from seeing each other. Chou Chou gave me some good ideas last night though, so I will run them by Carl when I am strong of heart and not so emotional. It's not good for two emotional people to be emotional at the same time and I don't want him to have to feel he needs to be the "strong" one all the time. I'm a worrier and when he is worried about stuff, I worry about him worrying. hehe Again, at least I recognize these things and can work on them.

Have I said lately how much I love Chou Chou and Monica? Well I do. They are the bestest.

Diana called me the other night (I think it was Saturday night). She told me she wouldn't be answering her phone Sunday during the playoffs, so I didn't try her until Sunday night and there was no answer. Me being in "money saving mode", I didn't wait for voicemail because it's long distance. hee! I thought maybe she was calling me because this weekend Carl and Aubrey and I are going to see "HER" best friend, but Chou Chou tells me she hasn't mentioned it to Diana, so Diana probably didn't have anyone else to talk to about a problem and phoned me. I don't mind that. Just have to find a good time to call her back.

Well, I should really get back to work. I was out yesterday, so I have a nice pile to work on today and the day is going nicely. Keeping busy enough so that I don't think about things outside of work, but not so busy it's frustrating. Hope your day is going well.

kellbelle at 11:10 a.m.

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