
Tax Refund Dead Ahead

I have been estimating my taxes for last year. Actually, I have been estimating my RETURN :-) It's looking really good that I'm going to get A LOT of money back. So far, minus one W2 for 3 months of work (before I was let go), I didn't even make $20K last year, which puts me in a very low tax bracket, which means I will get back most of what I paid in.

So I have been thinking about what to do with the money and I have decided that:

1. I am going to get my foundation repaired. It will cost me about $1,000 to do this unless the house has shifted even more, then it might cost a little more, but the last estimate was right at $1,000.

2. I am going to buy a new mattress and box spring and I'm giving Carl my old mattress and box spring. He's been sleeping on a TWIN size bed that he's had since he was like 8 years old!! Can you even imagine? Ugh! Besides, he needs a bigger bed if he wants me to start staying the night there in Denton. Hehe

3. The rest is going into a savings account. I haven't had a savings account in way too long and believe me, even with the foundation and the new bed, I'll have plenty of money left for an emergency fun/savings account. :)

I'm so happy. I feel very positive about things. Now just keep your fingers crossed that nothing gets screwed up with my checking account between now and Friday, because I'm having to pay two house payments this week and if anything odd happens I'm gonna bounce like a big red rubber ball.

Okay...that is all.

kellbelle at 9:37 p.m.

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