
Gonna Rock the Ex's World

My ex-husband will soon be in for the surprise of his life. In the process of taking care of my bankruptcy, several things have come to pass. When you process a bankruptcy, you are required to do a schedule or a budget that shows how you spend all your money each month. I had put a payment down for a personal loan from Gary. $120.00 a month payment. Well, my attorney says I can't do that. I can only have a secured loan as being exempt from a bankruptcy, so any payments to family or friends can't be left out of the bankruptcy. Oh well, so now I have to put all the money I owe him in the bankruptcy! LOL That means I can pay him back if I *want* to, but if for some reason I default or become unable to pay him, he can't sue me for the remainder. hehehe

Also, I'm taking him to court to raise his child support. My attorney is so nice, he is only charging me the filing fee for this. So, I have had to readjust my spending for the tax return. I will fix my foundation, pay off my attorney, buy my new bed and I have to find something else for the cash, because if I even have it in a savings account, the bankruptcy will take it from me. So I was thinking I will "spend" it on a friend and then THEY can put it away for me and give it back to me later. :-)

Okay... I feel really positive now and the whole process should be finished after Valentine's Day. Hopefully I will have my tax return sometime in February and then I just go to court to close everything up. I can't wait to get this all behind me. I'm sure my Ex will be so pleased.... NOT.... :)

kellbelle at 9:33 a.m.

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