
Back Still Hurts

Back is hurting BAD today. I have pain coming down my left arm to my elbow. I can't turn to look over either of my shoulders when I drive so I tend to get in a lane and stay there until I absolutely have to get out of it or turn.

Had a long chat with Doug last night on Yahoo. It was nothing major, just "How are you... how's things?" that sort of stuff. Wasn't too bad. I mentioned that I'm going skiing in February and he was like "Oh, maybe you'll get lucky." LOL I said "Yeah I just might." ;-)

Talked to Carl for a bit. Aubrey said she wishes he could be there all the time, and when I told him that, he said (in a sniffly voice) that he missed me. Awwww.

Started doing my taxes last night. I'm still missing one W-4 statement from Deloitte and the statement of account from my mortgage, but they had their information on the phone, so I have all that stuff entered already. As it stands, it looks like I'm going to have a very nice return and will be able to actually put some in savings and maybe take a "real" vacation this year. Of course I need to catch up on a few things first, but I will not use the entire refund to spend on bills. I promise myself this right now.

It's after weekends like this one that I really have a hard time not seeing Carl. We get along so great and it really sucks that he lives an hour away. But I suppose it's good, too. We're not overwhelming each other with attention every day. But honestly, I like this feeling of being overwhelmed. That I can handle.

I'm thinking about calling my chiropractor and trying to get in there sometime today, but it means leaving work early. I need to get this taken care of though. It's fine sleeping and resting, but sitting at the computer all day is no fun.

Okay... well if I'm going to entertain the idea of leaving a little early, then I need to get some work done. More later.

kellbelle at 8:57 a.m.

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