
Sluggish Afternoon

I suddenly feel very *blah*. I know I'm not going to see Carl tonight and I really look forward to seeing him mid-week. PMS is kicking in bigtime and it may be why my back started hurting this weekend. Starting to feel bloated, fat, ugly, weepy, needy, etc. LOL Probably best I'm not around Carl. Don't want to scare the man ;-)

Speaking of Carl, he's either really busy or they let him go home early today since he was there until 1:00 am last night. We were supposed to see a play this weekend with a friend of mine, but suddenly I don't feel like going. She's not feeling well, and I'm not sure I want to be around someone not feeling well. Plus it would be an odd numbered group and that's always a little weird. Or maybe I'm just PMSing and don't want to be around women.

It's a no-Aubrey weekend so it will just be me and Carl this weekend. I'm glad he still wants to come over, because I hate kiddo free weekends when I'm PMSing. I sit and watch movies that make me cry and feel bad. When Carl is there he cuddles and we watch movies. Much better. Less suckage.

There are days I feel like I'm still a teenager in high school, and not in a good way. It's not even 4:00 and it's like I'm waiting for the bell to ring so I can go home, but I really just want to cut class and run home and crawl into the house through the basement window. LOL I thought writing in my diary would make the time go a little faster, but I've written all this in about 4 minutes. *sigh* I type too damn fast sometimes.

Oh! Found out that according to Texas state law, child support is based on AL net resources (retirement, stocks, salary, commissions, bonuses, etc.)!! Hee! Gary is going to be pissed. When we got divorced, child support was agreed on for less than what the state required him to pay because I wanted him to be cooperative with the divorce, so basically I "settled" for less money so that he wouldn't give me any trouble. I didn't touch his retirement account (he's got like $100K in there) and now child support will be based on 20% of all his net resources. I'm feeling bad that I'm thinking this way, but you know what? If they increase his child support, he'll just get paid back from the personal loan he gave me that much faster. LOL He'll be paying me to pay him back. Isn't that sweet of him??

Sorry, do I sound bitter/sarcastic? Just really tired of him having this financial "hold" over me and using it as a button to press on me when he feels that he needs to have some control over something. Sorry to tell him that control thing is about to come to a very abrupt halt.

Okay, enough whine, enough sarcasm. I think I'm done and it's still not even 4:00. One half hour of work to go. :-P

kellbelle at 3:47 p.m.

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