
Ain't Gonna Happen

Doug kills me. I can't even believe he can be such an ignorant ass. Check out the conversation we had today. He emailed me and I tried to keep it friendly and non-serious.

Doug: What are you doing?

Me: Trying to find some projects online for painted patios.... to get some ideas. Will probably paint it when it dries up around here. Too wet now to do it, so will plan on it for the spring.

Doug: There must be something online, yeah would suck to do that now

Me: Yep... you have to use acid first to neutralize the lye in the concrete... then you have to patch and seal all the cracks before you can even paint.

Doug: Yeah , you�ve got it

Me: Yeah sure I do. Can you see me with acid?

Doug: You may need help

Me: Yeah that's the understatement of the year ;) hehe

Doug: I may have to come down when you do it

At this point I didn't answer and quickly changed the subject. Then I get this:

Me: Subject: What do ya think?


Doug: Looks good, had not heard of this one yet , scary I like it And I like Johnny Depp

Me: I like Johnny Depp, too. Also like Sean Penn. Saw him in a really great Woody Allen film called Sweet & Low Down.

Doug: Never saw that, but almost went to see mystic river last night, stayed home and played with myself instead

OMG! What the hell is he thinking? I guess he thinks he can win me back or something. Ain't gonna happen. :)

kellbelle at 12:56 p.m.

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