
Wanna Go Home

I called to have a realtor that goes to my church to come over to the house tonight and tell me what I need to do to get it ready for sale. I'm probably going to have to rent a storage place somewhere to get rid of some of my clutter. I've also called a maid service to have someone come over and help me deep clean to prepare the house as well. I need to finish painting my bathroom. Just a closet door left and a little bit of trim. I also need to mow the yard, but all of the mowers I have are broken. Great huh? I feel pulled in a million ways and I'm barely scraping by on the money I do have. I don't know how I'll get to work tomorrow. Not sure I have enough money for gas to get here. I'm going to the Coin Star machine with my emergency change when I get home. And my house is a mess... have to get it cleaned up before the realtor comes over. Uggggg I feel really overwhelmed right now. I just want to go home.

kellbelle at 1:51 p.m.

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